AQUAWEB is an online service, developed during a project supported of the Foundation for Science and Technology. This service was designed to the water quality assessment of rivers based on their communities (macroinver, algae, fish, and plants). AQUAWEB allows authorized users the access to predictive models based in the Reference Condition concept (RIVPACS/BEAST types) that were development and tested for a given zone.
The AQUAWEB also allows the construction of predictive models from new environmental and biological data of a specific region. The new models will become available to public from the time of its construction. Thus AQUAWEB allows the continuous improvement and growth of predictive models, consequently the available means to the evaluation and monitoring of rivers quality, particularly Portuguese rivers.
The coordinator of this project (Maria João Feio, Marine and Environmental Research Centre IMAR-CMA thanks to:
- Whole IEETA team (University of Aveiro) responsible for the construction of this site, including Carlos Costa, Joana Melo, Samuel Campos and Carlos Ferreira.
- Miguel Alves and Paulo Marques (Dept. of Computer Science, University of Coimbra), who developed the first version of the software and site in for the development and application of predictive models.
- Foundation for Science and Technology for the national funding through the Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education, Science 2008, and the co-financing guaranteed through the Structural Fund Reference Framework (QREN) and the Community Program: Operational Program for Competitiveness Factors (POFC) - COMPETE.
- Marine and Environmental Research Centre IMAR-CMA for the entire logistic support and to all participants all over the years in the collecting and processing data used in the construction of predictive models in IMAR, particularly A. Marcotegui, C. Mieiro, T. Alves, M. Boavida, Ana Calapez, Sónia Serra, Verónica Ferreira e Nuno Coimbra.
- INAG, I.P., the use of databases built during the implementation ot the WFD in Portugal, in the construction of predictive models, and to all those that contributed to the preparation of them, including M.A.S. Graça, P. Pinto, R.V. Cortes, M.T. Ferreira,
N. Formigo, M. Morais.
- P.Pinto and R.Cortes, consultants of the AQUAWEB project.
- R.H Norris, consultant of the AQUAWEB project, for his cooperation essential in the understanding of RIVPACS/AUSRIVAS models. And Sue Nichols also fundamental in
the knowledge of the mentioned models.
- B.C. Chessman, consultant of the AQUAWEB project.
- T.B. Reynoldson for his collaboration in the development of BEAST models.
- J. Van Sickle for the availability of ''best-subsets scripts’ applied to RIVPACS models.
- M.A.S. Graça for his continued support and encouragement to the development of this site.
- Sónia Serra for her participation in the various phases of AQUAWEB project, especially in the the development of the taxonomic keys.