Name: hydratmpupload/f77144fc9229b75f695acee82ea08565 Created by: Maria João Feio Date: 13-03-2023 20:26 Description: Community sampling methods: Taxonomic level used: Type: Hydra |
Name: SelDiat_HYDGEN Created by: Sonia Serra Date: 16-11-2018 12:59 Description: Community sampling methods: Taxonomic level used: Type: Hydra |
Name: SelDiat_RIVGEN Created by: Sonia Serra Date: 13-11-2018 10:39 Description: Predictive model (RIVPACS type) of diatoms from three adjacent river catchments, from South to North: Lis, Mondego and Vouga) defining a total area of 11215 km2. Community sampling methods: The collection of diatom assemblages and respective laboratorial treatment followed European standards (European Committee for Standardization, 2003, 2004, 2006) and has recommended by INAG (2008). When present natural hard substrate was preferred, being sampled using a hard brush. Taxonomic level used: OTUs Type: RIVPACS |
Name: SelDiat_RIVMORPH Created by: Sonia Serra Date: 13-11-2018 09:02 Description: Predictive model (RIVPACS type) of diatoms from three adjacent river catchments, from South to North: Lis, Mondego and Vouga) defining a total area of 11215 km2, based on taxonomic identification based on cell wall (silicic frustule) morphological and morphometric study. Community sampling methods: The collection of diatom assemblages and respective laboratorial treatment followed European standards (European Committee for Standardization, 2003, 2004, 2006) and has recommended by INAG (2008). When present natural hard substrate was preferred, being sampled using a hard brush. Taxonomic level used: At least 400 valves were counted and identified to the lowest taxonomic category possible, generally species or intra-specific rank. Type: RIVPACS |
Name: hydratmpupload/b0e98ebe1b2ed020c6129e5a67516d9f Created by: Daniele Jovem S. Azevêdo Date: 22-11-2017 18:18 Description: Community sampling methods: Taxonomic level used: Type: Hydra |
Name: Est_Hydra k3_1jul_vs2 Created by: Maria João Feio Date: 01-07-2014 14:41 Description: Community sampling methods: Taxonomic level used: Type: Hydra |
Name: Hydra Inv Pt Created by: Maria João Feio Date: 13-05-2014 14:02 Description: Model based on machine learning (SVM, MPL and KNN) to predict taxa presence/absence in Portuguese rivers. Covers all country, except large rivers and islands. Community sampling methods: See INAG 2008. Kicknet sampling. Multihabitat. Taxonomic level used: Genus level, mostly. Type: Hydra |
Name: PORTBE Created by: Sonia Serra Date: 05-06-2012 09:37 Description: BEAST type model developed from rivers in Portugal mainland territory, excluding large rivers (above 10000 km2). Community sampling methods: Rivers located in the mainland of Portugal territory, excluding large rivers (above 10000 km2). Taxonomic level used: Usually to the genera level, excluding some special cases: Amphipoda: Gammarussl that include Gammarus e Echinogammarus. Acari from water are included in the group named Hydracarina. Coleopteran genera from the families Chrysomelidae and Curculionidae are all included in family level. Diptera goes to family level except one family: Athericidae, which goes to the genus level. Ephemeroptera goes to genus level except Ephemerella and Serratella; which are included in Ephemerella sensu lato (Ephemerellasl). Gastropoda to the genus level, with Physa and Physella (separated by some authors) both included in Physasl. Hirudinea goes to the family level except the Erpobdellidae that goes to genus level. Isopoda goes to family level. Megaloptera are included in the order. Odonata goes to genus level except the families of Coenagrionidae, Corduliidae and Libellulidae which are included in each family. Oligochaeta are included in the class. Plecoptera goes to genus level except the families of Leuctridae, and Taeniopterygidae which are included in each family. Type: BEAST |
Name: PORTRIV Created by: Sonia Serra Date: 04-06-2012 22:52 Description: RIVPACS type model developed from rivers in Portugal mainland territory, excluding large rivers (above 10000 km2). Community sampling methods: Macroinvertebrates samples. Multi-habitat Kick-net sampling (INAG 2008 Protocol). Taxonomic level used: Usually to the genera level, excluding some special cases: Amphipoda: Gammarussl that include Gammarus e Echinogammarus. Acari from water are included in the group named Hydracarina. Coleopteran genera from the families Chrysomelidae and Curculionidae are all included in family level. Diptera goes to family level except one family: Athericidae, which goes to the genus level. Ephemeroptera goes to genus level except Ephemerella and Serratella; which are included in Ephemerella sensu lato (Ephemerellasl). Gastropoda to the genus level, with Physa and Physella (separated by some authors) both included in Physasl. Hirudinea goes to the family level except the Erpobdellidae that goes to genus level. Isopoda goes to family level. Megaloptera are included in the order. Odonata goes to genus level except the families of Coenagrionidae, Corduliidae, and Libellulidae which are included in each family. Oligochaeta are included in the class. Plecoptera goes to genus level except the families of Leuctridae, and Taeniopterygidae which are included in each family. Type: RIVPACS |
Name: Ebro_Hydra8_5_12 Created by: Maria João Feio Date: 08-05-2012 16:13 Description: Community sampling methods: Taxonomic level used: Type: Hydra |