


See model




BEAST type model developed from rivers in Portugal mainland territory, excluding large rivers (above 10000 km2).

Community sampling methods:

Rivers located in the mainland of Portugal territory, excluding large rivers (above 10000 km2).

Taxonomic level used:

Usually to the genera level, excluding some special cases: Amphipoda: Gammarussl that include Gammarus e Echinogammarus. Acari from water are included in the group named Hydracarina. Coleopteran genera from the families Chrysomelidae and Curculionidae are all included in family level. Diptera goes to family level except one family: Athericidae, which goes to the genus level. Ephemeroptera goes to genus level except Ephemerella and Serratella; which are included in Ephemerella sensu lato (Ephemerellasl). Gastropoda to the genus level, with Physa and Physella (separated by some authors) both included in Physasl. Hirudinea goes to the family level except the Erpobdellidae that goes to genus level. Isopoda goes to family level. Megaloptera are included in the order. Odonata goes to genus level except the families of Coenagrionidae, Corduliidae and Libellulidae which are included in each family. Oligochaeta are included in the class. Plecoptera goes to genus level except the families of Leuctridae, and Taeniopterygidae which are included in each family.

Useful information

Model created in: 05-06-2012 09:37
Created by: Sonia Serra
Number of groups used: 6
Number of sites used: 172
Type of model: BEAST
Ellipses: Inside 75%: HIGH, <90%: GOOD, <99%: MODERATE, <99.9%POOR, Outside 99.9%: BAD
Discr. variables Variables transformations
alcalinid log
distnasc log
latitude none
litologia none
precman log
reghidrol none

Localization of sites on the map